PRECIOUS feelings I have about some certain subtle pieces I hyde in my studio shelves. They dried during creation so I couldn`t continue, or they got some damages, later some severe damages … This hurts, and I feel they mean more to me, because they will never turn “finished”, but will pass instead, as we all will. BUT FOR NOW they are the most precious things I can bring to our world.


is a show I installed a month after Russia invaded Ukraine and is about the decline of Europe. It’s an intense story of 52 works spread over a passage through 5 rooms. Many different types of works are collaged here in which I dare to extend my investigation beyond mere “reading and concluding”. Here I playfully explore the use of spatial form as language not for specific moods only but actually for story telling as well. Heads are combined with sketches, fragments, figures, works in process, and heavily damaged sculptures.

EUROPA AUF DEM HUND, 2017, broken bozzetto, hound

SPONGEHEAD, 2001, construction foam, steel, wood

FLEEING ELEPHANT, 2014, Plastilin, wood, metal

DON´T YOU! 2003, coloured concrete, red button

I´M FINE, 2001, coloured concrete, suitcase

SON, THE ARCHIVE, FATHER, group of witnesses, 2022, plaster

FATHER, SON, COMEDIAN, group of witnesses, 2022, plaster


the sublime is inside

